ACS video on our Perspective Toward Chemically Resolved Computer Simulations of Dynamics and Remodeling of Biological Membranes. T.A. Soares, S. Vanni, G. Milano, M. Cascella*. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2017, 8, 3586-3594.
#TVPEnoAR - Prof. Thereza A. Soares is interviewed by Prof. Antônio Carlos Pavão, Director of Espaço Ciência Interactive Museum (in Portuguese). May 2019.
Scientific Writing Courses and ACS Webinars

ACS on Campus RoadShow Chile. 2024. Scientific Writing and Publishing. Meet the Editor. Round Table Discussion.
ACS on Campus at the 47a Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Chemical Society. Meet the Editor. 2024. Escrita Científica para a Publicação de Trabalhos com Revisão de Pares (1h course). Prof. Thereza A. Soares.
ACS on Campus Região Sudeste. 2023. Open Access and Publishing. Prof. Frank Quina, Osvaldo Novaes Jr., Prof. Thereza A. Soares, Prof. Monica Cota. Round Table Discussion.
ACS on Campus Região Sudeste. 2023. Meet the Editors. Prof. Frank Quina, Osvaldo Novaes Jr., Prof. Thereza A. Soares, Prof. Monica Cota. Round Table Discussion.
Curso de Comunicação Científica para os Institutos de Inovação Científica do SENAI e CNI. 2023. Escrita Científica para a Publicação de Trabalhos com Revisão de Pares (4h course). Prof. Thereza A. Soares.
ACS on Campus at the 46a Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Chemical Society. Meet the Editor. 2023. Escrita Científica para a Publicação de Trabalhos com Revisão de Pares (2h course). Prof. Thereza A. Soares.
Brazilian Society of Physics (SBF-ATO). 2022. Bacterial Outer Membrane Simulations. Why Atomistic Models Remain Useful. Prof. Thereza A. Soares.
ACS on Campus at Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP). 2022. Creating Your Title, Abstract, and TOC Graphic.
Prof. Thereza A. Soares.
IX SeedMol. 2022. The Art of Scientific Writing and Publishing (4h course). 2022. Prof. Thereza A. Soares. November 8th and 9th. Access the event recordings for lecture 1 and lecture 2. (In Portuguese)
ACS on Campus at São Paulo State University (UNESP). 2021. 10 Tips for Scholarly Publishing. Prof. Thereza A. Soares. Access the event recording here.
SAIMS Webinar. 2020. An overview of the South American Initiative on Molecular Simulation (SAIMS). Prof. Thereza A. Soares, Brazil and Prof. Sergio Pantano, Uruguay.
43rd Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Chemical Society. 2020. (Des)igualdade de Gênero na Ciência: O Que Podemos Fazer? Prof. Thereza A. Soares, Prof. Maria Vargas, Dr. Cristina Caldas. (In Portuguese)
ACS Publications Webinar Series. 2020. (In Portuguese)
Webinar 1: COVID-19: Perspectivas sobre vacinas, terapêuticos e diagnósticos.
Webinar 2: COVID-19: Possibilidades de interação universidade-indústria nas áreas de vacinas, terapêuticos e diagnósticos.
Webinar 3: COVID-19: O que falta para termos vacina?