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How to get access to the Dardel supercomputer

1. Register in SUPR, the Swedish User and Project Repository

  • Go to

  • Click "Register New Person".

  • Without SWAMID. Pick "Register without SWAMID".

  • Fill in the form. Click the button to create your SUPR account.

  • You will get an email from SUPR. Follow the link there to confirm the user account.

2. Accept the NAISS User Agreement

  • Just after creating the SUPR account, on the page you are taken to, there will be a section titled "User Agreement" at the very top. Just under it is the button named "Accept NAISS User Agreement". Click it.

  • Choose "Alternative: Offline via Paper Form". You will get a page where you are told to check your personal information (listed at the top), read the NAISS User Agreement, and then confirm. 

  • Print the PDF file.

  • Sign the printed form.

  • Send it together with a photocopy of your passport to the address indicated in the PDF file.

  • Wait to receive confirmation that the User Agreement has been accepted. This may take up to a week, depending on the mail.

3. Ask to join the project

  • After you have confirmation that NAISS has received your user agreement. Login to SUPR.

  • Click "Projects" in the left side column.

  • Under "Requesting Membership in Projects", put in the name of the PI of the project you wish to join. Click "Search for Project".

  • Click "Request" on the project you wish to join.

  • When your PI has accepted your membership in the project, go to SUPR again to apply for an account at HPC2N. You will receive an email when your application for membership in a project has been accepted.

This step may be done by your PI.

4. Finally create your DARDEL account

  • Login to SUPR.

  • Click "Accounts".

  • Under "Account Requests" click "Request account".

  • Your information will then be sent to PDC, and you will be taken back to a webpage where you can choose your username.

User accounts are usually created once a week. You will get an email from HPC2N when your account has been created.


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